Thursday, April 10, 2008


Hey I've found out a personality test to check out
it's very amazing with heir question

Check it out


Monday, April 7, 2008

10 tips to weight loss

Hey there's some tips for you to go on your weight loss!! Here it is:

1. Forget Calorie

They said calorie indeed had correctly, but this did not change the fact that

The kind calorie that was different was burnt and

Also different in the body.

Most time only fat that was paid attention to in way

The diet calorie low, there was proof that,

When calorie that was eaten same, the individual who consumed fat more

Many in fact lost more

Often the weight.

Moreover, the effect of food against taste

Will determine the weight and

The capacity eaten.

The key to

Reduced the weight in

Long term was not concentrate on

The number that you ate but quality

Its food.

2. Eat Full Protein food

Protein was known could satisfy hunger desire

More than the carbohydrate or fat.

Food just like protein usually can

Satisfied appetite ate, like meat, the fish, the egg, the legume, and

The seeds in your diet.

3. Eat food with Glissandi (GI) low GI index

Was the measurement to speed up and

The number where food released sugar

In the blood channel.

Increasingly high

The GI number in food, increasingly low

Satisfaction that in could.

From 20

The research that once publish

Between 1977 and 1999, 16

The research showed that food

And GI low could give

Satisfaction that was obtained from eating and

Reduced the hungry feeling afterwards.

Apart from the rich food potato protein

Other that also had the GI

Number very low, was the legume, miju-miju, and


4. Eat Breakfast

Breakfast for most people

Could help prevented ate too

Many during the day.

This phenomenon

Was studied formally inside research

That was published in Journal of


This study showed that

The person who consumed food too

Many tonight, average-level

Ate more calorie than

The person who ate the big portion for

His breakfast.

So that can

Had natural appetite, confirmed you did not forget breakfast.

5. Eat a little, don't too much!

When we were hungry, was difficult for us

To control what we ate and

How many.

Eat around Eat-time and ate few peanuts/beans

Or the fruit in the afternoon/sore

The day could make us eat

Healthier at hours ate.

Moreover, ate in an orderly fashion

Was also connected with the low level


6. Don’t buy snack

Ways that was enough to find it easy to reach

This was decisive not buying snacks

In the supermarket when hungry.


Ate before the buy snack.

7. Restrict Alcohol consumption

The method to less

Consumed calorie that not

Wanted was reduced drink


Partly wanted to drank Alcohol because of the perception that

Was produced by alcohol that take the form of taste

And the effect relaxation in an orderly fashion

Was connected with the low level


8. Use Small plate

Eat portion was difficult to decrease if we ate with using

The big plate, because of eating

Used the big plate can

Caused the tendency to take and

Ate more of that was needed.

Because of that ate with the plate and the small cup could help

Limiting ate that was abundant.

9. Digest Your Food

Eat slower could help

Ascertained the amount of food that absorb

The body as well as could reduce risk

Ate too many.

Ideally, ate must be digested equitable before

Was swallowed.

This could also help

We did not touch leftovers Dan

The implement ate again until food

Really was eaten by all of them.

10. Find Your Ideal Diet

Psychological research showed that

Anyone had

The metabolism skill level that

Differed against certain food.

For example, some people have

Very good metabolism to

Fat, whereas to some other people

Have metabolism that strong

Against the carbohydrate.

Maintained the weight that healthy

Was adapted with the condition for the body.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Hey! you see!!!
what amazing car that i dream a lot lol !!!!!!!
the new c-class is very impresive
thinking one day i will drive this car :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


i'm ever watch this dvd last year , it's AMAZING,
how come??? It's says that we just had to think about our destiny, our dream, and the La of Attraction will working for us to get what we dreamed of! sounds crazy! but there's many people have proof it! :)
And that's many proof in this dvd
If this life is so easy, why people live their life so hard???
you can start thinking what you want, what you need and good thinks will come to you. :)
any comment about this secret???